
Even after the success of some of the most finest cosmological observations, we still have incomplete understanding about 95% of the total content of universe. We still do not know the cause of the late time acceleration of the universe. Validity of Einstein General Theory of Relativity at large cosmological scales is still not confirmed and we are still in search for a modified version of general relativity that may explain the dark content of the universe.

Formation of structures in the universe holds the key of these questions. The structure formations both at linear and nonlinear scales contain all the information about our cosmos that can unravel the puzzle of dark matter and dark energy as well as the mod ified theory of gravity. That is why future observational set ups like Euclid, DES, LSST, SKA, TMT etc aim to provide such decisive answer.

In this regard, it is very important to know the theoretical details for the structure formation as well as the method to connect those theoretical details to the actual observables. Although linear theory for structure formation contains vaulable informaton, it is the nonlinea revolution of the structure formation that holds the key.

The proposed lecture series i s aimed towards training researchers who are either working in this field or are interested in working in this field in near future in the field of formation of structure with special emphasis on nonlinear structure formation. The aim is to build trained manpower in the field of large structure formation of the universe and related observational tools who can be actively involved in projects like LSST, Euclid, DESI, SKA, TMT etc.

Objectives of the Course

The primary objectives of the course are as follows:

  1. Exposing participants to the physics of large scale structure (LSS) formation in the universe.
  2. Subsequently training them in different observational tools for the LSS with special emphasis on nonlinear structure formation.
  3. Exposing the researcher s to different statistical tools related to LSS in the universe.
  4. Enhancing the capabilities of the participants to work in the field of large scale structure formation in the universe so that they can be involved in future cosmological projects specially i n those where India is involved.